Everybody hates to sneeze
they try to suppress it and hide
for while coughing is probably alright
sneezing out loud is not polite
A sneeze is even worse than a fart
in drawing shame, fear and disgust
because sneezing is the artillery
of an invisible army of sneezdemic bugs
We try to deprive the sneeze of its noise
and try to block the mucus' path
completely at random the sneeze attacks
due to a cold, allergy or hair in the nose
in a few words to sneeze it sucks
it wakes up dogs or armed guards
turns worried heads around in a bus
firing nasty looks with or without masks
Still, we show religious compassion towards the sneezer
and say "bless you" when one sneezes out loud
"thank you" is the usual response with a guilty smile
you rarely say "bless you" when someone farts
(unless they sneeze and fart at the same time)