Beavers with plastic forks, banana eating tigers
Snakes pretending to be nice, bunnies pretending to be mean
And anything else that tries its best to be, something other than what it is
Are only some, of my least favorite things.
Elephants on stilts, poop on the window sill
Silent farts, hair on a tennis ball
Fake jewelry, too much lipstick
Spilled milk, Cows who know it all
I also hate it when they promote ideology
as a parking spot for handicapped minds
who formulate their questions as answers
and can only express wonder by saying "really?"
I also hate this word
and all other words like it
for they sit in a sentence like tooth decays
adding nothing to the meaning.
Drilling sounds make me wince so bad
That is why I dislike dentists
Like I hate whoever's talking to me
while I can't talk back.
I also hate to think of things I hate
for I'd rather be glad
not thinking about what
makes me so sad
and I hate this poem.