Memes are so super duper awesome
Words don't even amount to half as much
What are letters compared to pixels?
Millions of them versus just twenty six.
Memes are the future, words are the past
Because memes are built of the right stuff
They stimulate our senses, just like a drug
They come into view, eyes open like a mouth
Memes multiply
As they are shared by
Memes fly
Faster than you can say "hi"
Memes are to words
like emotions are to thoughts
they are the hallmarks of our digital epoch
they are the cream of wit that a very fine razor shaves off
One meme here, one meme there
Can speak louder than one thousand words or more
They make sentences redundant
along with paragraphs, verses and exclamation marks!
Memes are produced en masse
and some memes sometimes become massively viral
they leave us speechless, wordless, aghast
Memes are great, memes are art
The written word is a like dinosaur
is to a robot, a meme is far more avant-guard
a word is like a tree composing symphonies to the forest's wind
a meme is like an invisible hand playing violin to an ant's fart.