The funniest joke
The funniest joke in the world The funniest joke ever told When a brain, the wittiest of them all tickled itself into a laughter ball The brain chuckled then laughed so hard with tears flowing along its folds then after it slightly calmed down the funniest joke the brain forgot but not before, brain told the joke to the mouth which then burst out into a howl guffaw and crackling with a roar then passed out and forgot what the joke was about but not before, The mouth spoke the joke down to the belly which at once burst out in a belly-lough With the brain and the mouth now in a humor induced faint The belly was the only one with the joke inside still intact It wasn't meant to stay long in there alas for it traveled further down towards the annus where it eventually got lost in translation along the guts The funniest joke in the world the funniest one ever told it was told only once then it was forever lost.
. but, only and only if it is not